Monday, April 25, 2011


Cat Feeding Time- Clingandel Park


The largest green space in Den Haag, is one of my favorite places to sit, and enjoy the spring weather. One of the best spots in Den Haag to people watch, there is a skate park, cafe for eating poffertjes (little pancakes), and a deer run.

Thursday Book Market Leiden

Boek Markt Leiden

Saturday, April 23, 2011

World's Warmest Condom

Saw this in the window of the Condomerie, in Amsterdam, along with other novelty items.


Continuing my tour of North Holland, was a stop in Volendam. This touristy little town is popular for it's beautiful wooden houses, seaside views, and old fishing boats. Close to Amsterdam, it makes a nice day trip away from the city. Only 20km from Amsterdam, it's also the perfect distance for a bike ride. Overall a beautiful place to walk around, and enjoy the seaside, in spite of the hoards of tourists.

Cheese Please

Alkmaar- a city in North Holland, not too far from Amsterdam, and best known for the weekly cheese market! Every Friday, a cheese market is held in the Waagplein, a large square in front of the weighing house. While my visit was not on market day, the Holland's Cheese Museum was open, and full of "cheesy" info. Free piece of cheese included in entrance fee.

 Weigh House

Tiles featuring the cheese market